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My Daily 🎁 Gifts from the Universe✨

Daily Gifts from the Universe

For years, I’ve been practicing something I call 90-Day Bliss Plans—a method that has helped me align my goals, intentions, and energy to live my best Blisstacular Life. Along the way, I began noticing a beautiful phenomenon: daily gifts from the Universe. These gifts started as small, serendipitous surprises but have grown in significance and frequency, proving that when I stay aligned, the Universe delivers in magical ways.

Manifesting Magic

At some point, I started noticing how effortlessly I was manifesting physical things. I’d think of something I needed, and almost like magic, it would show up in my life shortly after.

A Perfect Example

For instance, I was designing my outdoor space and wanted folding Adirondack chairs for under the 🏖️ “Beach House” 🏄‍♀️ surfboard sign I’d made. The very next day, on my way to work, I saw two chairs in my neighbor’s trash. One had a broken arm, but no worries—I called the manufacturer, and they offered a free replacement arm if I paid for shipping. After sanding and painting, my dream beach chairs were complete!

Gift From the Universe - Wooden Folding Adirondack Chairs
Adirondack Chairs in pieces. Sanding and Painting.
Refinished Turquoise Folding Adirondack Chairs

The gifts kept on coming... seriously, NO JOKE!

It felt like the Universe had added me to some kind of cosmic delivery list—and I’m not complaining!

Soon, I was receiving so many amazing gifts that I had to share the flow of abundance with others. That’s when the idea for my FREE Community Giving Bench and Book Library came to life! What began as a simple spot for exchanging treasures became a vibrant community hub. Neighbors now share books, add their own items, and exchange joy, connection, and magic. Generosity flows freely, and every item finds a new home.

But here’s the best part: It’s a Total Win-Win-Win!

Not only does the bench keep the cycle of abundance going, but it also encourages decluttering and repurposing items—keeping them out of landfills. It’s the ultimate "trash to treasure" vibe where old things get new life. This process creates lighter homes, a fun way to give, and an even more fun way to receive!

The flow of generosity shows me that everything we need is already around us—we just have to recognize it and tap into it. When we share, we all gain more: more space, more joy, and more connection.

365 Days of Daily Gifts from the Universe

To honor this abundance, I’ll be tracking my daily gifts for 365 days. Some are tangible, like my Vitamix and Instant Pot, which have made my plant-based lifestyle easier. Others are intangible, like perfect timing and moments of clarity. These invisible gifts are just as powerful as the physical ones and remind me of how supported we truly are by the Universe. When we tap into the Universe’s wisdom, embrace the lessons and gifts it provides, and express gratitude for its abundance, we see how beautifully everything is connected.

You can check back here for updates, or follow me on social (links at bottom) as I share my journey and continue to be amazed by what the Universe has in store!

My Daily Gifts from the Universe

  • 12/29/24: A small Instant Pot
  • 12/30/24: 2 Teal Washable Bath Mats (I had similar ones in my Amazon shopping cart.)
  • 12/31/24: 8 Natural Stone Beaded Bracelets
  • 1/1/25: An answer to a question I had been asking.
  • 1/2/25: Perfect timing!
  • 1/3/25: A Kick in the Ass—A reminder to post a rules sign at the Community Giving Bench.
  • 1/4/25: My schedule opened up so I could spend time with wonderful people.
  • 1/5/25: Décor: White, Sparkly Angel Wings
  • 1/6/25: Suction cup shelving for my glass kitchen backsplash. This came literally 1 hour after I decided that was what I needed for better organization. 
  • 1/7/25: Ask & You Are Given Moment—I found the exact jacket I was wishing for on Sunday.
  • 1/8/25 The Gift of Hope
  • 1/9/25: 2 Books: Anatomy of Spirit and a novel called The Masterpiece by Francine Rivers
  • 1/10/25: Book: The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley
  • 1/11/25: 3 Bags of Havana Coffee Roasters
  • 1/12/25: An unplanned, unexpected but much needed day of healing and self-care.
  • 1/13/25: Pink Luggage Tag - Perfect for my visit to see my mom soon!
  • 1/14/25: $1.20 (4 Quarters and 2 Dimes) 🤣 I am a Money Magnet! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
  • 1/15/25: 2 Pillow Cases & Lock (These are items I was asking for the day before.) Necklace, Athletic Tape & SPF

PS: I have no affiliation with any of the items mentioned and am not receiving any compensation. Just sharing the gifts I’ve received along the way!

✨ 90 Day Bliss Plan ✨ COMING SOON

Ready to transform your life in just 90 days?

Imagine stepping into a new chapter of manifestation, abundance, and unwavering clarity. The 90 Day Bliss Plan is a powerful journey designed to help you unlock your fullest potential and create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

But here's the twist—this isn’t just any plan. It’s a deep dive into the magic of intention, visualization, and inspired action that will leave you amazed at what’s possible.

Curious? You should be.

Sign up now to be the first to hear when the 90 Day Bliss Plan is live. You don’t want to miss this...


What gifts have you received from the Universe lately?

Let me know in the comments 👇 below!